Monday, February 28, 2011

Awaiting my younger sister..again.- Savanna

I don't remember what it was like when I was awaiting Emma's birth, because I was only 3 at the time.  Waiting on Berline, and not knowing what the next day will bring is an incredible journey, and will forever be unforgettable.  At times though, it can be very stressful.  I often find myself trailing off from my train of thought to think about this little girl 1,600 miles away.  I can't wait to meet her, and I can't wait for her to be here with us! Learning about the hard things she has to go through, and about her lifestyle makes me realize just how little my life is, and how fortunate I am to live where I do and to live with the people I live with. I am very excited to be a big sister... again.
I love you Berline. I can not wait for you to be with us!

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