Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Arrrrrrrrrg! - by Rob

This week has been eventful to say the least.  With every international adoption you always have glitches.  No matter how perfect the paperwork is something happens that requires you to submit something else or have something redone....blah....blah....blah!  BUT it is not supposed to happen the first time. 

We sent our Power of Attorney to the Haitian Consulate in Chicago on the 16th of February.  The POA is one of the most important documents initially.  It gives your lawyer the right to act on your behalf in the Haitian Court System.  We were anxiously awaiting the return looking for that white truck with FedEx on the outside and it came on Monday, Feb. 21. 

Well I opened the package and the there was a stack of documents in the carrier.  Unfortunately none of the documents was ours.  The Haitians had sent us a Home Study / POA and other incredibly valuable documents for a lady in Oregon, Melissa Freels, who is adopting a boy from a town outside of PAP.  I immediately called her and left a message that we had her documents.  She called back within 5 minutes in a bit of a panic but I was able to assure her that I would send them out that night.  She was so thankful but we still had a problem where was our POA?  She owns a business in Oregon and told me that she was off on Monday.  She would check on Tuesday and see if our POA was in her envelope.  It was a long 24 hours but I am happy to say that Melissa  called me on Tuesday afternoon and told me that she was shipping out our POA and we should have it by the end of the week. 

I realize that there will be mistakes and glitches that will happen in the process but not with the first document. 

There is one positive I made a new friend and someone Christy and I can share our experiences with. 

Truly - Bondye Bon Tout Tan!

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