Friday, February 25, 2011

Badda Bing Badda Rob

Yesterday was a big day in the world of international adoption.  Christy and I finished our Psych Eval (yes I did pass) and we got our Power of Attorney from Oregon.  All we have left is the Home Study.  I really hope those of you reading this will say a prayer that Carolyn's schedule opens up so that she can finish it by March 4.  If that happens I will be able to take the Dossier down when I go to Haiti in March.  Right now it feels like we are gaining momentum and the process will move smoothly.  Other times it feels like we are stuck in the mud and can't move forward.   Also yesterday I added a PayPal button for donations to the "Bring Berline Home" fund.  It is on the right side - Wink, Wink, Wink!

Today however I can report that we finished the last item (g-28) that we have to get notarized.  All we have left is the Home Study and the Psych Eval.  Christy went to the Knox County Clerk and got all of the Knox County documents certified.  I am going Monday and getting the ones from Campbell County certified. 

Also I plan on meeting Kevin next week to ship the POA to Haiti along with a bunch of money to Nathalie so the process can start on the Haitian Legal Front.  Slowly but surely we keep gaining momentum.

Bondye Bon Tout Tan!

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