Monday, February 28, 2011

Are We CRAZY? Part 2 by Rob

Berline the Cheeto Face!

Let's get rolling on part 2 of this adventure.  I was excited for Christy when she went to Haiti on New Year's Day.  I know she was being obedient to the will of God and I knew it would be a blessing for her.  Before she left I jokingly said, "Go down and find our daughter".  What I didn't realize at the time that was exactly what was going to happen. 

From what I understand Haiti is an incredible place.  It is filled with poverty and desperation but the people are so loving and beautiful.  They have so little but have such big hearts.  Christy has stated on many occasions that you can really hear God in Haiti.  There are so few distractions that your heart is at peace and you can just listen.  I am excited about experiencing that but back to the story!

Christy called me the second night she was there and simply said start the paperwork.  It was a decision that I was 100% in line with and I couldn't believe that she was willing to take that step after two days.  I waited until she got home just to double check that she felt that way.  She told me that she couldn't imagine not feeling that way now that she had met the girls in Camatin.  We talked about it with Emma and Vanna and they both said let's move on it.  Then the question became who do we adopt. 

For days the girls and I listened to Christy's stories of Haiti and her time there.  We looked at pictures and spoke about the personalities of each of the girls Christy had contact with.  We prayed and discussed - discussed and prayed. Each of us kept coming back to three little girls - Gelralda, Berline, & Benia.  Christy said that she had spent time with each one and they were all wonderful.  Gelralda & Benia were about 8 years old while Berline was the baby at 5.  We continued to talk and pray - each day I was pushed a little more toward Berline.  She was a spunky, ball of energy that posed for every picture like it was a fashion show.  It was a no brainer for me -- She was the one.  Part of it may have been for selfish reasons, I loved t-ball, I remember carrying my girls on my shoulders, digging in the sand at the beach, riding bikes, etc but I also know I was drawn to her for some specific purpose. I am sure that I will discover it someday.

It is awesome to say that I am now the father of a 5 year old Haitian girl.  I am anxiously awaiting March 23 when I step off of that tap-tap at the orphanage and I get to see her for the first time in real life.   What a joy that will be!

BTW:  No we aren't crazy, just called for a higher purpose!

Romans 8:28 

 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bondye Bon!

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