Friday, September 2, 2011

Three times in six months

On Friday, August 26, I had the opportunity to go to Haiti again.  How AMAZING!  Last year at this time there would have been no way that I would have ever thought about doing that.  It is amazing how a path is placed in front of you and you just walk it blindly in faith. 

I fretted all week about Hurricane Irene and how her path would effect our travels.  Hurricane Irene hit the Dominican early in the week and was projected to sweep right across the edge of Cuba and up the Bahamas chain right into Miami on Friday when we were supposed to leave.  I watched the weather all week and just waited and fortunately for us and unfortunately for the Bahamas, the hurricane swept east of Miami and right across GBI straight up the coast to the New York/New Jersey area. 

We flew out early as always.  At the airport by 4:30 AM, on the plane by 5:30 AM, and headed to Miami by 8:00 AM.  On the way down we passed some cloud cover from Irene as we flew through Central Florida.  Finally, Savanna and I were going to see Berline.  The nervousness that racked me 6 months ago has long been since replaced by excitement.  Savanna and I were going to spend 5 awesome days with Berline. 

When we got to the airport in Miami we headed Nathan's for a hot dog and our last meal before Haiti.  We ate with Woody & Stephanie Culp (Cadonia), Chad Becker (Eldie), Robin Cox (Sarafina Sophiara), & Stacy Cox (Onise).  It was like an episode of Seinfeld.  We were all sitting around talking about nothing.  We got on the plan in Miami and left for PAP. 

When we got to PAP things looked somewhat different.  When I was there in June there was one other plane on the tarmac.  It was an abandoned charter jet.  As we taxied down the runway you could see several other planes from charters to Air France.  Haiti is moving forward.  We walked down the Jetway and into the terminal following about 200 Haitians.  We boarded the bus and headed to customs.  Things moved smoothly, we picked up our bags and headed out the door.  Once we were outside on the walkway the heat hit me.  It had been 97 degrees the day before in Knoxville and now I was in the exact same heat but somehow it seemed much hotter.  We walked out to the parking lot and started toward the PCAP truck.  That white truck seems so friendly and so welcoming.  I love to see it.  As we were walking across the parking lot you could see the usual sights.  Haitians lined up against the fence yelling for money -- Hey Boss! Ey You!, Etc. As we got closer to the truck you could see a little girl bouncing up and down in the truck.  That girl was Berline!  She was excited about seeing us and she had a smile that was truly a mile wide.  We threw our luggage in the truck and hopped up on the bench.  I stole her from Savanna and gave her a gigantic bear hug and kiss. 


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