Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lots of first-by Christy

Rob and Savanna left on Friday morning at 4:30 am for Port Au Prince. They will be there until next Tuesday.  Rob has an appointment at the US Embassy on Tuesday morning at 7:00 am to complete our I-600A to start the US side of the adoption in Haiti to get Berline's Visa.  They are traveling with 4 other families from Knoxville adopting from the same orphanage: Onise, Cadonia, Eldie, and Maeva.  The 5 girls were brought down the mountain to the meet their parents at the airport and stay in a hotel for the 5 days with them.  Rob said Berline was jumping up and down on the truck when she spotted him and Savanna.  Savanna got on the truck while he loaded the luggage.  Berline was then saying Saavaanaa, Saavaanaa.  She draws it out so funny.  I think it made Savanna happy she knew her right away. They stopped at a restaurant on the way to the hotel.  Rob says he has never seen someone so little eat so much chicken and rice.  Savanna said it was good and Berline ate the beets off her plate.  She loved the hotel.  She played in the shower for a long time moving it from hot to cold.  It was her first experience with hot water.  She loves the fan in the room and yelling into it.  She loves the little refrigerator. She ate lots of bread and butter at the hotel breakfast. She definately lovesthe fruit loops I sent.

It is such a joy to hear her sweet little voice on the phone.  She says "Hello Mommie, I love you Mommie.  I say "Mwen sonje ou- she replies in english "I miss you Mommie".  I am so glad Rob and Savanna are there to hold her and love on her right now.

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