Monday, July 11, 2011

Savanna's journal/first time to Haiti

May 31--First Meeting
Today was quite possibly one of the longest days of my life.  I barely slept last night, because today is the day that I get to meet Berline for the first time.  The truck ride lasted FOREVER! Emma fell asleep, but I stayed wide awake getting more excited as every second past.  When we finally got to the orphanage I saw Berline immediately. She was getting her "hair did."  We joked that she always seems to have her hair out of her braids at the worst possible times.  I walked up to her and tried to explain to her I was her sister, but I was at a complete loss for words.  So Carole explained it to her, and you could tell she was scared and not sure what to do, but she still gave Emma and I a hug, and then ran to my dad recognizing him. Emma was inseperable from her from that point on.

June 2
Mom and dad left early this morning because they had to go to Port-au-Prince to sign papers for Berline.  All of the girls were off from school, and we were going on our first walk.  Berline was told she would be able to go with us that morning on the walk, but right before we were about to leave, I was told that she couldn't go because the walk was "too steep."  When I handed her the water bottle she figured out that she wasn't able to go, and she began to cry.  Only one tear streamed down her face, but that was enough to make me lose it.  I cried almost the entire walk.

June 3
Today was a very emotional day.  We went to church, and pastor moise asked the people in the church to be in prayer for us.  That really got to me because he asked these people who have absolutly nothing, to pray for the spoiled white people with everything.  Berline fell asleep on my mom's lap during church, and that was great because I was sitting beside her.  It was awesome just to know that she was there.  After church all of the people came down to the orphanage, and we gave them all food.  They were so greatful! It was a great day.

June 4
Today we went to the pool instead of the beach, because it has rained so much that this week.  The pool was wonderful.  I spent all day with Faguline.  She loved the water and was practically swimming by the time we had to leave.  Everyone else leaves tomorrow, but we get to spend a few more days with it being just us and the girls.  It's getting closer to leaving day. :(

June 7
Today was leaving day.  It was a very sad day.  I didn't get to spend much time with the girls yesterday because I was very sick yesterday. So that makes it even harder.  Berline was so sad when we left, and SO was Faguline.  I promised myself I wouldn't cry infront of them, and that was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do.  It was extremely emotional. Haiti is such a beautiful place because everyone is just so happy.  They all live so simply.  I wish many people in the U.S. were able to experience this beautiful country, and all of the beautiful girls in the orphanage.

I really can't wait to go back, because these girls have made a difference in my life.

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