Saturday, June 18, 2011

Emma's Journal-By Emma

Haiti was such an awesome country. Berline was soo cute and adorable. But I can't sit and describe everything in short choppy sentences, So i will Tell you some of my journal entrys.

          I am writing for the 31st of May! My 1st day in Haiti!!! Berline is amazingly cute and perfect in every way. Haiti is amazing and not at all like I imagined it. The airplane was interesting. I love Berline, all the little girls, and all the beautiful people of Haiti. Haiti is a beautiful place. Bible School hopefully will be a big success.
                                                       Emma L. Cummings

           Haiti is such an amazing place. It has such amazing people in it. We have been on 2 walks since I last wrote. The first was to distribute water buckets. On our way back we passed and visited a vodoo priest home and temple. We prayed and talked to him about Jesus. We left him a water filter bucket.  The funniest thing that happened was Mark took his cigarettes and told him they were bad for him.  The second was to Coq Chante. Our first stop was Islande's home. Her family was so happy to be where they were. They are such beauiful people. Our second stop was Linia and Atanie's home I wish I could do more for their family. It's just so sad. They didn't have any food at all. Our third stop ws to the fallen Coq Chante orphanage. On our way back it began to rain. It got SOO muddy, but we didn't care. The girls here are still awesome, perfect, and beautiful in everyway. Berline is awesome. At VBS Savanna and I hung out with Berline's brother Jon. He's handsome and just as perfect as Berline. I love the haitian People. Haiti is so beautiful. Also, I have developed a newly found friendship with Christila.
Haiti is such an amazing place. It has such amazing people in it.
                                                             Emma L. Cummings

          Yesterday, was beach day. It rained soo muchin the past week that we couldn't go to the beach. So we decided on plan B. We went to a really nice hotel in Jacamel and swam at the pool all day long. We had cheeseburgers and club sandwiches for lunch. They were Ok, but the fries were delicious. The view was spectular. And it didn't really rain all day long. Also it was pretty sunny and i did get to take a real shower. It was kinda cold, but still cold is better than nothin. i had an awesome time yesterdaywith the girls.
                                                                   Emma L. Cummings

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