Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Most Exciting Phone Call Ever!!-By Emma

On March 23, 2011 I got a phone call from my dad who was in Haiti, but I was really suprised when the phone call was from my little sister Berline. Most of what she said I couldn't understand, but what I could understand was "Alo, Alo" (Hello, Hello) and "Orevoir, Orevoir" (Goodbye, Goodbye). Savanna however was torn apart by the sound of her words. She actually started crying. Her voice to me was soft, sweet, and warming. I don't know if I'll last 2 more months till I see her. I had to call and tell my aunt immediately because I definietly needed to tell someone about this exciting phone call. This was definietly the most exciting phone call ever.!.!.!.!


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