Wednesday, November 14, 2012

September 8, 2012 - Arrival

The ride to Mme Samuel's house was very uneventful.  It was the same trip that we always take.  The same chaos, the same poverty, the same people struggling to survive.  The trip was the same but somehow the feeling was entirely different. Yes we had a group of "Club" kids who were experiencing Haiti for the first time.  Yes we had Billy who was seeing a world that was straight from a movie.  For me though, I knew it was the beginning of the end of a part of my life that had consumed me for the past 21 months.  We were finally bringing Berline home.  It was a feeling that was indescribable.  Sadness, joy, and relief were some of the emotions that were coursing through my body. 

I spent the better part of the trip offering insight for the kids and for Billy.  I wanted them to look past the difficulty that is Haiti and see the beauty of the people and the country.  It was amazing watching them see Haiti for the first time and reflect upon my first visit in March of 2011 when I got to ask Berline if she wanted to come to the Etazzini and be our daughter.  It seems like a lifetime ago.
As we approached the orphanage the excitement continued to build.  How would she react?  How much does she know and understand?  Does she remember that in March I promised not to come back until she was coming home?  We rounded the bend and the orphanage was in view, 21 months of anticipation all rolled into one moment!  The truck parked in its usual place and we climbed down.  Waiting at the gate were the girls, our girls. 

It is the same series of events every time you step off the truck and see the girls.  They are incredibly excited about visitors but at the same time everyone stares.  Somehow this time was different.  Christy and I immediately looked for Berline.  Where was she?  What emotions would she be feeling?  I never can put the moment you see her into words.  It's strange but it's familiar.  We both went to her and greeted her with big hugs and kisses.  She was happy to see us but as usual the adjustment takes some time.  She has to get used to us and we have to get used to her. 

Christy spent some time with her talking and laughing while I worked with the rest of the guys to unload the pile of bags on the top of the truck.  I went and put our stuff in the same room that the whole adventure started with back in March of 2011.  The last room on the right over the kitchen.  Billy joined us in choosing this room.  Some how on every trip it seems that we choose the same room, familiarity in and unfamiliar place. 

The rest of the first night was uneventful.  We hung out with the girls and rekindled old relationships.  Everyone was tired and we all hoped to get some rest on the first night of a very big week. 

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