Monday, April 16, 2012

2 weeks with my baby girl-by Christy

March 17-31, 2012

Emma and I left for Atlanta at midnight on Friday, March 17.  We were blessed to have Naomi along with us for a 2 week visit to the orphanage.  Whitestone was taking 2 Saturday to Saturday trips back to back and we were blessed to be able to stay both weeks.  We finally made it to the orphanage late afternoon on Saturday.  Berline was standing in the doorway with a huge smile on her face awaiting our arrival.  She immediately came to me and Emma.  It was pure joy to be with her again.  It took a few minutes to get acquainted again, but not near as long as recent trips.  It was as if she and Emma had never been separated. It was so great to see all the girls.  I am so thankful I can greet them all by name and have real relationships with them all.  It is amazing how much love God allows me to have for these little girls I have spent so few days with.

We spent the next few days just enjoying being together.  All the girls loved the I spy books I brought.  Chilove and Christila loved the animal book and enjoyed asking me which ones were "in Tennessee".  When I told the girls a killer whale was as big as 4 cars, Guerline smiled and said "noooo".  The innocents of these girls is so beautiful.  Benette is the happiest child I have ever been around.  She is in a constant state of joy.

Berline loved Emma's iPad, her new dresses and clothes I brought her, and really enjoyed her chocolate pop tarts. She slept between Emma and I that first week.  She still loves to sleep.  I love how her little head hits the pillow and she is asleep within minutes.  She says in her tiny little voice "good night Emma, good night mommi, good night Naomi", every night before going to sleep.  She is so much more comfortable with us than past trips.  She is ready to come home with us.

Rob called on Wednesday to say "She is officially a Cummings". He had heard from Rico earlier Wednesday morning that the adoption degree had been published the previous Monday.  This was huge news and meant that our paper work was moving again and we could see a small light at the end of the tunnel.

I got to walk Berline to school on Monday.  I was so excited to see John, her brother.  When he saw me, he just grinned his meek grin.  It's beautiful how you fall in love with someone so easy when you pray for them diligently.  It was great to see her uncle John Gary.  I ask them to tell Amanise, grandmother, that I would see her at church on Sunday.

It was a difficult week after Tuesday.  Savanna had called and told me that Brenna, Vance and 3 other friends had been in a very serious car accident.  It was so hard to be away from my Savanna when I knew she was suffering so much.  Vance would be fine, but one month later, we are still waiting to see if Brenna will completely recover.  It was a blessing that Savanna had planned on coming down on that Saturday.  She needed to escape the situation where she had no control and spend her energy loving on little girls.

The first team left on Saturday morning.  Berline spent the day singing "Poppi veni la Samdi", Savanna veni la Samdi", Grandmommi veni la Samdi".  Poppi, Savanna, Grandmommi is coming on Saturday.  They arrived around 3:30 on Saturday. She was so excited to see her Poppi and Savanna.  I loved watching Savanna hug Fagueline.  I am ask happy that Fagueline has Savanna as her special friend.  Berline was happy to see her Grampsi and meet her Nina. Berline was the queen all week with her grandparents, sisters, parents and even Aunt April, Uncle Tim and Zeke and Mae, 2 cousins there.

The next week was full of peace for us. Our family was complete even if just for a week.  We went to church at Camatin on Sunday.  I asked John if he wanted to sit with me.  He did.  It was great to see her Grandma.  I was so happy for mom to meet her.  Berline greeted her with a kiss.  She obviously has great respect for her.  I told Grandma we were going to come visit one day that week.  She loved laying on our bed watching Dora on Rob's iPad.  She didn't have school that week due to spring break so we got to spend everyday all day together.  We walked to her Grandma's house on Wednesday.  Her aunt Edna, Ti Jacque, and baby Bradley were the only ones home.  Grandma, John, and John Gary were all working in the fields.  It is the beginning of the rainy season and planting is going on everywhere.  Beans, corn, and potatoes seem to be the most prevalent items. We left a care bag of knives, silverware, clothes for the boys, some candy, candles and a photo album.  We visited the homes of Neica, Cadonia, Maniaca, and Berline that day.  It was a long hard walk up a mountain.  Everytime we stopped to rest, the girls were dancing and skipping around us.  Rob compared them to little mountain goats.

April and her family visited Benia and AngeMarlie's home on Thursday and again on Friday afternoon.  It was obvious that they don't get visitors much.  Benia's family was so happy to see them and so grateful for the small amount of food and trinkets they took them.

We took all the girls to the pool on Friday.   They swam for hours.  We took granola bars, and fruit snacks and bought them 7ups.  They had so much fun.  I love taking the girls to the pool.  I enjoy watching the Haitian adults as much as the kids.  Colby, our interpreter and great new friend, loved the water as much as anyone.

Friday night and Saturday morning were difficult, but not as hard as I imagined.  I know because of the multitude of prayers going up for us during this time of separation.  Colby helped us talk to Berline Friday night and explain to her that we were leaving and she couldn't go with us because yet because of some government papers we still need.  I don't know how much a 6 year old understands "government papers" but we wanted her to understand how much we wanted to take her with us.  We left early Saturday morning.  Both Savanna and Emma cried quiet a bit, but Berline did surprisingly well with our good byes.  The ride down the mountain was long but there was some peace in thinking the next time I saw that mountain it would hopefully be to pick up our little girl and take her home.

We are now waiting on her passport and then a US Embassy appointment.  We are hopeful this will only take a couple of more months but know that isn't necessarily the case.  Just full of hope and faith that her journey home to us will be sooner than later.

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