Sunday, January 15, 2012

62 days until I return - by Christy

Christmas is a time to be with family and friends and our family was definately incomplete this year.  We all felt the missing piece.  Savanna called the orphanage on Christmas Eve and we talked to Berline for a few minutes.  I think she was excited to get a phone call.  It was full of "Mwen renmen ou (I love you) and Mwen sonje ou (I miss ou)".  I tried to get her to say Merry Christmas, but with no luck.  I just pray this is the last Christmas our family spends with our baby girl not with us.  We heard a few days before New Year's that our paper work had a moved a couple of steps, but as of today, we haven't heard any more.  It is difficult to go weeks, maybe months with no news.  Several groups have been down over the past few weeks and each time, I have sent a care package full of m&m's, pringles, crayons, and Barbies. Eventhough we can't afford to go each trip, I want her to know we are still here thinking about her, praying for her, and anxiously awaiting the day we will be together. 

Emma and I plan on going with Whitestone on back to back trips in March.  We will leave March 17 and return the 31st.  I am ready to spend this time with her.  There are times when I think it's all good and I accept God's timing and then there are times when I miss her so much and just want her here now.  Today, I say 62 days and counting until I see her again.

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